Exploring Positive Humanism

Are you looking to take a deep dive into the world of humanism and its relevance? We’re kicking off a 5-part mini-series examining positive humanism. Positive humanism is a humanistic philosophy based on the scientific findings of positive psychology. It focuses on personal, professional, and societal flourishing.

This isn’t a lecture mini-series; we’ve designed each section to explore a particular facet of positive humanism and engage in a facilitated conversation to learn from each other’s perspectives. Here’s how the format works: facilitators provide background information on the evening’s topic. Once we’re all working from a similar understanding, a guided discussion encourages participants to share their experiences and engage in dialogue to gain a deeper understanding.

Socialize with fellow humanists over dinner starting at 6:00 PM; the program kicks off at 6:45 PM. If you can’t make dinner, you’re welcome to join us for the exploration of positive humanism!

Mini-Series Agenda

This 5-part mini-series occurs Thursdays in February and at the beginning of March. While the content builds on itself over the course of the series, it’s not necessary to attend each session. Registration is $5 and helps cover the cost of the venue and materials.

Humanist Community Social Hour

Starts at 6:00 PM

Join fellow humanists for dinner and drinks at Brazen Head Irish Pub (319 N 78th Street) at 6:00 PM. We’ll be in the private Emmet Room.

Exploring Positive Humanism

Starts at 6:45 PM

Our exploration of positive humanism begins at 6:45 PM. We’ll start with an overview of the evening’s topic and explore the concept together through a guided conversation.

Session 1: Thursday, February 9

An Introduction to Positive Humanism

Positive humanism is an applied secular humanistic philosophy based on the scientific findings of positive psychology that focuses on personal, professional, and societal flourishing. Join us for a guided conversation exploring the differences between humanism and positive humanism, how it connects to positive psychology, and how you can incorporate these into your life.

Session 2: Thursday, February 23

Promoting Human Flourishing Through Positive Humanism

How can humanists, particularly humanists who subscribe to positive humanism, turn our intentions into actions that promote flourishing? During this guided conversation, we’ll ground ourselves in the science-based framework of well-being and provide an alternative to the self-help gurus.

Session 3: Thursday, March 2

Positive Humanism as a Moral Foundation

As humanists, we have chosen to ground morality in human well-being. But how can something as subjective as “well-being” be the foundation of a moral philosophy & worldview? In this guided conversation, we’ll discuss how positive humanism addresses this dilemma and delivers a consistent sense of right and wrong without appealing to a supernatural power.

Session 4: Thursday, March 9

The Freewill Problem

Pinning down a definition of freewill can be downright impossible, and often conversations about freewill overlook metadesires. We don’t claim to be ambitious enough to answer the freewill question in one evening. Still, we will explore how positive humanism views the subject and what a science-based approach to examining freewill can teach us.

Session 5: Monday, March 20

Being a Positive Humanist

Whether you’ve made it to one session or all four, join us as we wrap up this exploration of positive humanism with a discussion of how we can promote human flourishing individually and as a community.

All Sessions Pass

Exploring Positive Humanism

Purchase one ticket to attend all five sessions.

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we, as the Humanist Explorer community, pledge to socialize, learn, and collaborate in a respectful and constructive manner. All participants are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct at Humanist Explorer events.

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