Exploring Positive Humanism: Promoting Human Flourishing with Positive Humanism

Brazen Head Irish Pub 319 N 78th St, Omaha, NE, United States

How can humanists, particularly humanists who subscribe to positive humanism, turn our intentions into actions that promote flourishing? During this guided conversation, we'll ground ourselves in the science-based framework of well-being and provide an alternative to the self-help gurus.


Exploring Positive Humanism: Positive Humanism as a Moral Foundation

Brazen Head Irish Pub 319 N 78th St, Omaha, NE, United States

As humanists, we have chosen to ground morality in human well-being. But how can something as subjective as "well-being" be the foundation of a moral philosophy & worldview? In this guided conversation, we'll discuss how positive humanism addresses this dilemma and delivers a consistent sense of right and wrong without appealing to a supernatural power.
